Founder Story: Me

Founder Story: Me

After taking the Self-Love Assessment, it was pretty clear what areas were weak for me. I wasn’t practicing self-care and I wasn’t regularly taking time for myself. 

Both of those totally added up. I was starting a business and raising a family. So OF COURSE I had trouble finding time for me and for self-care. But how was I to overcome this? It turned out there were things I could do.

Measure of Focus

  • Practicing Good Self Care

What’s getting in my way of having a higher score on this measure?

  • As it related to self-care, I really just lacked clear nutrition and/or exercise goals. As a result, it was hard to stay regimented. 

What can I do to overcome that hurdle?

  • First of all, I needed to find time – even just 5 or 10 minutes in my day – where I could exercise. But perhaps more importantly for me, I needed to create some concrete goals. 

Measure of Focus

  • Regularly taking time for myself

What’s getting in my way of having a higher score on this measure?

  • I had too many competing priorities. I was cramming too much in. Ultimately, I was being too ambitious with my time.

What can I do to overcome that hurdle?

  • Make it a priority to carve out time for me. Pick one day out of the week and be diligent. 
  • The other thing I could do is identify HOW I wanted to spend my time. If there was an activity or hobby that I was really excited about, I would be more excited and more likely to take time out to do it.


So for me in the end, it came down to creating motivating reasons to change my behavior. Once I had done that, the logistics became much easier.

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