We’re here to tell you... (A life of purpose)

A Life of Purpose


We’re here to tell you your life has purpose. 

We’re here to tell you if you haven’t found it yet, you will.

We’re here to tell you that when you find it, you’ll know.


We’re here to tell you that when you do, everything else will fall into place.

We’re here to tell you you’ll be able to make sense out of all of your actions.

We’re here to tell you that the actions that won’t resonate with your purpose will fall off.


We’re here to tell you those challenges that were once hard, won’t be. 

We’re here to tell you those challenges that no longer apply, you’ll step aside. 


We’re here to tell you where you once endured, you’ll thrive.

We’re here to tell you where you once meandered, you’ll wander.

We’re here to tell you where you once questioned, you’ll decide and thrive.


We’re here to tell you’ll use your unique gifts and talents.

We’re here to tell you’ll experience the deeper meaning of life.

We’re here to tell you’ll create a life that matters in your eyes.

We’re here to tell you’ll unlock your full power and potential.


Today could be the day that you find your purpose.



The Bodhi Band Team

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