11 Books That Help You Push Your Boundaries

11 Books That Help You Push Your Boundaries

11 Books that Help You Push Your Boundaries

When it comes to books that inspire us to grow, motivate us to take charge of our lives, and drive us to push our limits, there sure are plenty. Here are 11 of our favorite. 


1. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

This book helps you to shun your fears and apprehensions, embrace your courage, and act in the face of danger.

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2. Becoming by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama tells her inspiring story that will motivate you to push your limits.

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3. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

In this masterpiece, Gilbert pays tribute to healing in the wake of adversity. The result is reinvention, spirituality, and a rekindling self-love.

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4. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami

Just what it sounds like, Murakami takes you through his journey to become a great runner, and in the process, inspires you to find your big pursuit.

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5. My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock

Hancock was given some advice to do one thing a day that scared her. She took it. The result is pushed limits, exhilarating tales, and inspiration.

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6. #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso is the Founder and CEO of NastyGal. This book is her story of how she pushed her own boundaries and became the woman she always was meant to be.

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7. Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

Yes, this is our SECOND book on running on this list, but don’t let that stop you. You don’t have to be a runner for this book to inspire you and teach you that you have the ability to be more than what you are.

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8. Make It Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live on Purpose by Lara Casey

Casey takes a different approach to “taking leaps.” In her book, she’ll encourage you to find your passion and leap into happiness… but not in a way that leaves you exhausted.

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9. The Go-Getter by Peter B. Kyne

This quick read is a parable that will motivate you to achieve whatever you want.

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10. The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

Schwartz outlines how to think big as the most useful way to push your limits and reach your goals.

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11. Elevate: Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others by Robert Glazer

Glazer invites you to break your limits by breaking free from what’s holding you down through his four principles for overcoming your self-limiting beliefs, establishing positive habits, and finding your “why.”

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What are yours? Leave us which book(s) pushed you in the comments below! 

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